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2021-03-22/23 Wien

Imaginaries in Intercultural Perspective

The international conference on Johann P. Arnason's 80th birthday

March 22-23, 2021
University of Vienna

Georg Stenger (University of Vienna) & Ľubomír Dunaj (University of Vienna)
Department of Philosophy, the Research Area "Philosophy in a Global World"

For participation please contact: lubomir.dunajunivie.acat


March 22 (Monday)

Opening words: Georg Stenger & Ľubomír Dunaj & Johann P. Arnason

Jiří Šubrt (Charles University in Prague)
Long-term Developmental Processes as an unintended consequence of Human Action: some Theoretical and Methodological Questions of Historical Sociology?
Peter Wagner (University of Barcelona)
To what End does One combine Historical-comparative Sociology with Social and Political philosophy?

Wolfgang Knöbl (Hamburg Institute for Social Research)
The Rise of the Concept of Modernity as a Research Concept within Philosophy and the Social Sciences
Johann Schelkshorn (University of Vienna)
Axiality and Multiple Modernities. Philosophical Reflections on the universal Claims of European Civilisation

Jana S. Rošker (University of Ljubljana)
Arnason, Modern Confucianism and the Cultural Conditionality of Modernization
Heiner Roetz (Ruhr-University, Bochum)
The Multiple Modernities Theory – a Legitimate Heir to the Idea of the Axial Age?
Hans-Herbert Kögler (University of North Florida, Jacksonville)
Roots of Reflexivity—A Hermeneutic Critique of the Axial-Age-Discourse

Tongdong Bai (Fudan University, Shanghai)
Modernity Before Its Time — China's Zhou-Qin Transition (770-221 B.C.E.) as an Early Modernization
Geir Sigurdsson (University of Iceland, Reykjavík)
Confucianism as a 'Shared Problematic' in East Asia: A Note on Chinese Hermeneutics and Social Imaginaries in China

March 23 (Tuesday)

Chris Hann (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle)
When Was Eurasia? Childe, Goody, and the Connectivities of the Landmass
Marek Hrubec (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Chinese Civilization as a Precondition of New Silk Roads
Jeremy Smith (Federation University Australia, Ballarat)
Regionality and Civilizations in the Americas: Considerations on Civilizational Analysis in the Context of American Modernities

Dennis Schilling (Renmin University of China, Beijing)
Necessities of Life. Human Biological Condition and Ancient Chinese Political Theory
Leigh Jenco (The London School of Economics)
The Ming-Qing Transition in Chinese History as a Philosophical Problem

Milan Kreuzzieger (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Modernities at the Crossroads: Between the Great Futures and Failed Modernities
Ivan Landa (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Rethinking the Paradigm of Production: Arnason and Multiple Philosophies of Praxis
Ľubomír Dunaj (University of Vienna)
Johann P. Arnason: A Praguer?

Martin Šimsa (Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem)
Modern Democracy between Czech Philosophy and Critical Theory?
Kurt C. M. Mertel (American University of Sharjah)
Situating Civilizational Analysis Within the Project of Left Heideggerianism

2018-03-12/15 Wien

Internationale Tagung: Philosophie, Religion und Wissenschaft in der islamischen Lebenswelt

Veranstalter*innen: Georg Stenger, Anke Graneß, Reza Dehghani
Eine Veranstaltung des Forschungsbereichs für Philosophie in einer globalen Welt/Interkulturelle Philosophie am Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien in Kooperation mit der University of Tehran, dem Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies/Tehran, der Iranian Society of Intercultural Philosophy und der Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Philosophie-GIP
Termin:12.-15. 3. 2018
Ort: Universität Wien

2016-10-06/08 Hildesheim

Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung in globaler Perspektive

Internationale Tagung (gefördert durch die DFG)
„Forum für Philosophie“ der „Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie“
Organisation: Rolf Elberfeld (Universität Hildesheim)
6. bis 8. Oktober 2016
Domäne Marienburg, Universität Hildesheim


2016-07-04/05 Berlin

Interkulturelle Philosophie
Mehrsprachigkeit, Pluralismus und Universalismus

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften, 4.-5. Juli 2016
Organisation: Boike Rehbein (Humb. Univ. Berlin)


2016-06-02/03 Deutsche Philosophie und Afrika

Deutsche Philosophie und Afrika / German Philosophy and Africa

Universität Wien, 2.-3. Juni 2016

Konzept: Anke Graneß (Univ. Wien) und Thaddeus Metz (Univ. Johannesburg)


2013-05-08/11: X. Internationaler Kongress für Interkulturelle Philosophie

X. Internationaler Kongress für Interkulturelle Philosophie:

Auf dem Weg zu einer gerechten Universalität. Philosophische Grundlagen und politische Perspektiven

Organisation: Raúl Fornet-Betancourt (Univ. Eichstätt), Franz Gmainer-Pranzl (Univ. Salzburg), Johann Schelkshorn (Univ. Wien)

8.-11. Juni 2013, Universität Wien


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